My sweet baby boys recently turned two years old, and whether I like it or not our baby days are officially behind us. Talking up a storm, learning letters and numbers (thank you Sesame Street,) and newfound sensations of independence, we have officially entered a new era of toddlerhood and I couldn’t be more excited. Besides the fact that I can tell someone their age by years rather than months (huge pet peeve,) these little guys’ antics and emerging personalities make me laugh harder than I ever have before, and to my luck they get a real kick out of getting a good laugh out of me.
With a twin birthday right after Christmas, you can only imagine the state our house has been in the past month. Once the holiday clutter was sorted and packed away, I decided it was high time to do a full cleanse of the baby paraphanalia. I probably should have let go of a lot of these things sooner, but the truth is you get quite attached to certain things that were basically survival tools in the early baby days. When I gave my twin nursing pillow away to an expecting mother last year (months after I was finished nursing) it was still so hard for me to let go of it! But now that we’re past ever possibly needing or using these things again, it’s time to let go and pass along these items to new families, and make room for the likes of the scooters, lacrosse sticks, and basketball hoops that have found their way into our house. While I’m very excited about this new age, this milestone has also been quite bittersweet for me as I look back on my pregnancy and the first two years with my boys.
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