Last year I caught the bangs bug and within two weeks I had a freshly cut fringe across my very narrow forehead. I hardly every get sudden urges to make drastic changes to my hair, but after about three years of the standard “just a trim, I’m trying to grow it out” request at the hair salon, I felt a need to change up my look a bit. And change it up they certainly did! It always takes a couple of days for me to settle into a new haircut, but with the bangs it took a good two weeks for me to recognize myself in the mirror again, and when I did I felt like a slightly new, more face framed me. I’m extremely low maintenance about my hair and highly regard the ability to pull my hair up into a pony tail and have everything out of my face. Obviously with bangs this required a few extra bobby pins and headbands, so within a couple of months I knew the bangs wouldn’t be a permanent change for me and decided to let them grow out. Even though I won’t be a perma-fringe girl, I’m so glad that I took the risk with getting bangs and have been pleasantly surprised during the growing out process. Read More
The Big Bangs Theory