Even before becoming “Mama” to my little boys, Mother’s Day has always been a very important day for me. My mother created a very magical and loving childhood for me so taking a day to celebrate her is a day well spent. Spring afternoons crawling through a maze of wired tunnels she built for me throughout her gardens in our backyard. Summer nights on Nantucket Island spent laying on the hood of the car watching the stars overtop Brant Point lighthouse. Trekking up and down the slopes of Virginia’s apple orchards in search of perfectly crisp Braeburns in the Fall, and snuggled up together by the fire on cold Winter nights. So many of my most treasured memories growing up happened because she made them for me. Even now as an (almost) adult, she continues to guide and support me, except now she isn’t teaching me how to bake my clay sculptures in the toaster oven or how to set the table, but more so how to support and guide my own children. Read More
Great Expectations