Great Expectations

Great Expectations

Even before becoming “Mama” to my little boys, Mother’s Day has always been a very important day for me. My mother created a very magical and loving childhood for me so taking a day to celebrate her is a day well spent. Spring afternoons crawling through a maze of wired tunnels she built for me throughout her gardens in our backyard. Summer nights on Nantucket Island spent laying on the hood of the car watching the stars overtop Brant Point lighthouse. Trekking up and down the slopes of Virginia’s apple orchards in search of perfectly crisp Braeburns in the Fall, and snuggled up together by the fire on cold Winter nights. So many of my most treasured memories growing up happened because she made them for me. Even now as an (almost) adult, she continues to guide and support me, except now she isn’t teaching me how to bake my clay sculptures in the toaster oven or how to set the table, but more so how to support and guide my own children.  Read More

Bey Beys in the Beyhive

Bey Beys in the Beyhive

During the first month of 2017 the world stage has been engrossed in a seismic whirlwind of drama and controversy. But the highlight of January (and maybe 2017)….Beyonce is expecting TWINS. I get way too excited when I meet a stranger in the park with twins, so you can image how big of a freak out I had when I learned that the ultimate stranger who only the likes of the Queen and Oprah get to meet is a mother-of-multiples-to-be. You guys… Queen Bey is joining my wolf pack.  Read More

The Baby Essentials

The Baby Essentials

My sweet baby boys recently turned two years old, and whether I like it or not our baby days are officially behind us. Talking up a storm, learning letters and numbers (thank you Sesame Street,) and newfound sensations of independence, we have officially entered a new era of toddlerhood and I couldn’t be more excited. Besides the fact that I can tell someone their age by years rather than months (huge pet peeve,) these little guys’ antics and emerging personalities make me laugh harder than I ever have before, and to my luck they get a real kick out of getting a good laugh out of me.

With a twin birthday right after Christmas, you can only imagine the state our house has been in the past month. Once the holiday clutter was sorted and packed away, I decided it was high time to do a full cleanse of the baby paraphanalia. I probably should have let go of a lot of these things sooner, but the truth is you get quite attached to certain things that were basically survival tools in the early baby days. When I gave my twin nursing pillow away to an expecting mother last year (months after I was finished nursing) it was still so hard for me to let go of it! But now that we’re past ever possibly needing or using these things again, it’s time to let go and pass along these items to new families, and make room for the likes of the scooters, lacrosse sticks, and basketball hoops that have found their way into our house. While I’m very excited about this new age, this milestone has also been quite bittersweet for me as I look back on my pregnancy and the first two years with my boys.

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5 Ways Motherhood has Improved my Style

5 Ways Motherhood has Improved my Style

Becoming a mom has been an eye opening experience for me in many ways. One aspect in particular has been the impact on my personal style and outlook on fashion in general. Always mesmerized by the world of fashion and the street style stars, actresses, and other famous people endlessly photographed (hi Middleton sisters) that I look to for style inspiration, I have developed a more keen eye for discerning what works for my body, tastes, and lifestyle as well as an appreciation for good quality, hard working wardrobe staples. When you only have ten minutes to get yourself sorted in the morning, building a functioning wardrobe makes getting dressed in a pinch simple and fun! Here are the 5 style lessons I have learned since becoming a mom. Read More

5 Lessons Learned in Motherhood

5 Lessons Learned in Motherhood

With its ups and downs, becoming a parent is an incredible gift, and will without a doubt be the biggest game changer of your life. Your daily life thus far has been about feeding, resting, challenging, and fulfilling yourself, and then all at once every thought and concern is entirely redirected to nurturing this tiny new life in your arms. And let me tell you something else, taking care of a newborn (or two) is the most mentally, emotionally, and physically draining thing you will every experience in your life. Here are something things that I learned along the way that helped me to survive and thrive as a new mother. Read More