In the midst of researching for an upcoming style series for the blog, I’ve been totally closet crushing on Sarah Vickers and feeling the New Englander vibes. As I’ve been pouring over Sarah’s Classy Girls Wear Pearls blog and Pinterest board, it occurred to me that I don’t wear button up shirts enough. I have always been drawn to that casual, borrowed from the boys oxford shirt look, but with such broad shoulders I have a difficult time finding button up shirts that fit me well. I absolutely can’t stand when a top or blazer is too small in the shoulders and feels restricting when I move around. To avoid turning into the Hulk, I ended up just avoided button up shirts altogether for years. Read More
Showing all posts by Caroline
This Week in Fitness
Exercise has always been a big part of my life as a source of personal development and mental and physical health. Especially since becoming a mom, working out has been an absolute necessity for maintaining my energy and sanity. If you’re expecting or are a new mom, check out my my top fitness fundamentals for getting in shape after babies.
The obvious challenge with exercise is finding the time and motivation to get it done. My biggest tools for overcoming desires to skip workouts is making realistic goals and having a firm schedule that makes time for my workouts. If I do my advance work planning out what workouts I’m going to do and when, I take the thinking part out of the equation making it an easier decision to get out of bed in the morning. Beyond resisting the urge to snooze, which takes some serious mental fitness, when I create my own fitness plan I am genuinely excited about my workouts and feel a very strong physical and mental sense of accomplishment when I complete them. I’m a big advocate of pre-programming workouts, and I prefer to schedule out one month at a time. In my experience this practice helps with both creating a well-rounded fitness plan and staying on track with my goals. Read More
Tying the Knot- Handkerchief Style
Time to get your hankies out. The handkerchief neck scarf has deservedly been going strong as the It accessory for the past few seasons. Elegant, edgy, and classic all (literally and figuratively) rolled into one, this accessory packs quite the punch. Like most, if not all trends, the key to successful execution is styling the trend to blend with your own style. I’m definitely half introvert half extrovert in my approach to styling in that part of me wants to stand out, and the other wants to blend in as much as possible. This rings especially true when I’m experimenting with a trendy piece like the handkerchief neck scarf. But once you find the sweet spot of equilibrium where you’re wearing the scarf and it isn’t wearing you, the handkerchief can be an essential finishing touch for styling on the double. Read More
What the Beans is for Lunch?!
I am a huge veggie burger fan. And when I say huge I mean huuuuuuuuuge. And this post is about making the homemade veggie burger great again. While perusing through my meager looking fridge and pantry (tomorrow is the grocery run,) trying to come up with a substantive meal for my lunch party of three, I spotted two cans of beans and instantly thought of bean burgers. I recently made an attempt at bean burgers using a recipe from Pinterest, but found them lacking in seasoning. I decided to give it another shot using what I had on hand and it turned out to be a filling, healthy, and delicious lunch for the two toddlers and me. Read More
Wearing it Now: The Tourist Tee
The Mister and I had a night out together this weekend (thanks Grandpa) and we went to a local beer garden with some friends. I’m regularly not a beer drinker, but when in Rome do as the Romans do. Anywho, for the night I sported my favorite new souvenir from our recent trip to California- a t-shirt from Russian River Brewery in Santa Rosa, California. While we were in Napa we made a special trip up to Santa Rosa to visit this brewery, which is one of the best in the country. The infamous brews didn’t disappoint, and it wasn’t until we got there that we discovered that the joint’s pizza was equally as good as the beer. Really though, I would go on a trip to Santa Rosa just for another slice. Okay a whole pizza but who’s counting 🙂 . Read More