
About MeI decided to start On the Double as a journal of sorts to record and share my life as a mother. What I wear, my family life, travels, and raising toddler twin boys, all whilst attempting to preserve my personal style, passions, and sanity. I have always been enormously interested in fashion and healthy living. Since becoming a mother I have entered a new realm of still pursuing my passions, but at a much faster pace. A new stage of life that is even more fulfilled, but always on the double.

I spend a lot of time out and about with my boys and our golden retriever, Max. People often say to me “you sure have you hands full, how do you do it?!” They’re not wrong, I literally do have my hands full. But the truth is I absolutely love it. The joy that I find in seeing these two boys grow and learn, and being able to share my world with them is a blessing beyond measure. Don’t get me wrong, parenting definitely does not come easily all the time. Motherhood at its worst is sheer character building. For me and the kids 🙂 . But the more people kept asking me this question, the more compelled I felt to share this part of my story. This is not a How To… but more a method to the madness.

In my past lives (pre-babies) I was a Division I women’s lacrosse player in college and then off to work in government and public affairs in Washington, D.C. While I will admit to falling prey to fad trends over the years, my style at its core has been simple, feminine, and tomboy-esque. Since becoming a mother my personal style has changed to the extent of how my priorities in dressing have shifted. The likes of 4 inch heels, miniskirts, and all white ensembles just don’t fly at the playground.

Comfort, quality, and machine washability are now the powers that be when it comes to getting dressed in the morning. This can be a frustrating turn of events for a person whose wardrobe is half full of dry clean only, cocktail dresses, workwear, and pieces every shade from white to eggshell. However, this once seeming obstacle turned into a valuable developmental process. I began to shed (and sometimes shred) my unfortunate sartorial choices of yesteryear and determine the fabrics, silhouettes, colors, and fits that really suit me. Giving new life to old faithfuls, making smarter wardrobe additions, and getting creative with styling are key components to creating your own unique personal style. What you decide to wear makes a huge impact inside and out. A bit of inspiration and consistency can help to build a functional wardrobe and a healthy lifestyle all with that certain je ne sais quoi…even with your hands full.