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I went out of my comfort zone on this one. I know the general rules for print mixing: keep to the same base color and team up different sized prints, but I typically shy away from it mostly because it’s a loud, busy aesthetic, and I generally like to have just one statement piece in a look. That said, the paired print looks that I drool over are ones that seamlessly blend together so well they almost create one super print together.

As Fall weather will soon be here, I was fishing around for things I didn’t get a chance to wear this (or last) summer and came across these linen blend safari-esque print pants from a few years ago. Feeling adventurous I paired them with a light brown striped t-shirt that was a new addition this summer and has turned out to be an absolute favorite. With so much kitty sailor business going on, I went light on jewelry and make up to balance it all out. Last but not least, a slight tuck at the waste and a bright pop of red at the heels for finishing touches. Meoowwww